Questions & Answers

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50 East 52nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 10022
United States


Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

Delivery Information

Delivery charges for orders?

Our products come with free shipping. For orders under $60 (excluding tax), we use a slower shipping method by default. If you prefer to use UPS, there will be an additional shipping fee of $6.99. For orders over $60 (excluding tax), we use UPS as the default shipping method at no extra cost.

How long will delivery take?

For orders under $60 (excluding tax), the default shipping method typically delivers to your address within 7-14 days. If you add the $6.99 UPS fee, we will ship via UPS, which typically delivers to your address within 5-10 days.
For orders over $60 (excluding tax), we use UPS for shipping, which typically delivers to your address within 5-10 days.
